Friday 2 December 2016

Unit 01 feedback


You completed the allocated time for assignment 1 working much better than you had been - you were more focused in class and were steadily working through the missing tasks. I want this to continue and I want you to stop watching videos during the lesson. I will ask you to see your Senior Tutor if this continues. You are missing work however, and this needs to be completed ASAP.

Missing / incomplete work:

  • Interactive Media Solutions - changes not made
  • Elements of a Webpage - missing
  • Learner Diary - missing
  • Audience and Branding - missing
  • Mood board - missing
  • Proposal - you have made a good start but this needs more detail, such as why you need to design a new website, what will you change in regards to the typography, etc.
  • Feedback sheet (scanned) - missing
  • Amended website designs (based on feedback) and summary of whether the changes are beneficial (with justifications) - missing
UPDATED missing / incomplete work:
  • Interactive Media Solutions - changes not made (it is all copied and none of it is in your own words)
  • Elements of a Webpage - missing
  • Learner Diary - this is incomplete and needs some visual examples, e.g., hex codes and colours, web layout templates, etc.
  • Audience and Branding - add a little more detail about why things are 'nice', and use media terms instead, e.g., it is easy to read, it looks sophisticated, etc. Also, poor (not much money) needs to be changed from 'pour' (to tip out / over)
  • Mood board - missing. Once uploaded, add a short summary on why you selected your chosen images
  • Proposal - you have made a good start but this needs more detail, such as why you need to design a new website, what will you change in regards to the typography, etc.
  • Feedback sheet (scanned) - missing
  • Amended website designs (based on feedback) and summary of whether the changes are beneficial (with justifications) - missing

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