Tuesday 28 February 2017

Health and Safety

What is the purpose of each document?
 The main purpose if this document is to make sure the location is good enough to be used for a shoot.

 Why might it be used in the creative industries?
They use for people to check if a location is suitable for their shoot, where and when and how to contact.
What is the purpose of each document?
This form is for anyone over the age of 18 to give consent to a photographer to publish images of them. 

Why might it be used in the creative industries?
Because it's legal guarantee to use a photograph of other people on the internet, in public with out any complaint.
 What is the purpose of each document?
This form is for anyone under the age 18 to give consent a photographer to publish of them, also for their parents to give permission.
Why might it be used in the creative industries?
It is for child protection,and to make sure nobody does unlawful when working with a child. 

What is the purpose of each document?
This form is to assess the risk of a location.

Why might it be used in the creative industries?
To make sure nobody gets hurt and any problems can be sorted out.

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